Wednesday Night - 03/18/2020

TYM ... I hope your day is going well and boredom has not destroyed your mind yet. In this COVID-19 (Corona virus) pandemic, we are trying to still give you some opportunities to get some spiritual nourishment from the TYM. Below you will find links for the worksheet and video for this Wednesday night's class. The worksheet link will be a .pdf that can be printed off at your house. The video link will direct you to youtube directly to the video for tonight.

As you watch the video, there will be points where you are asked to pause, read and/or think or even pray, do the pauses!! Also, print off the handout before you watch the video. If you can not print it out from here, it was emailed to your parents today. If your parent did not receive the handout, txt Wilber (615.456.8416). He will email it to them or you as soon as possible. We know that this is not "normal" or maybe even not the most desired mode of teaching; however, we are asking three things from you:
1. Participate - watch video, complete the handout (write on it), participate along with the video
2. Be Serious - do not rush, take your time, no grades,
3. Let the Spirit fill you - before you begin the video, please pray for the Spirit to lead you and help you learn what you need to learn through this lesson.

You do not have to do this alone. Do this lesson with your mom, sister, dad, brother, friend and/or whomever is near you, do this with somebody or by yourself or both. You can do this more than once. Being in The Word is always good with the right intentions.

If you have any questions and/or comments, please ask them in the comment section of this post. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Comment on what you learned from this lesson. This place is for you. It is a safe place. We will be posting daily in this space. Some things will be for fun, somethings spiritual, and some things both. Plus, this space is COVID-19 (Corona virus) FREE!!

If you have any issues with this lesson, need to talk to someone, or just want to say hi, feel free to txt Wilber (615.456.8416), Nick (615.533.5383) and/or Bethany (903.293.8926)

Here is the link for the Handout for tonight (3/18):
Exodus - Week 1

Here is the link for Video for tonight (3/18):
The video will be available at 5:00 pm.
Exodus - Week 1


  1. We have enjoyed this lesson, thanks so much for putting it together for the teens and the families. Great job!!
    Brayden would like to learn a breakdown of the ten commandments and how to best apply them to our lives today.

    1. This is the Clark's. Not sure why its says Unknown


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