
Showing posts from March, 2020

Two Things Tuesday

Whats Up TYM, As we are at the beginning of another week of quarantine, we have two questions we would like for you to comment back to us: QUESTION 1: During Quarantine, what is the most creative thing you have done to occupy your time? QUESTION 2: During Quarantine, what is the one thing you already tired of and ready for something new? Here is another trick shot video from Hesselrode Academy:

Motivation Monday

TYM, Short Post today ... Watch this video: Motivation Monday Have an awesome week!!

Field Trip Friday

Whats up TYM, I know you are experiencing that feeling of boredom. You know, that feeling like, I gotta get out of the house. Well, adults feel that way to when they are at their office or working from home. We felt that way this Friday and we recorded the events that happened. I hope you enjoy this video: Field Trip Friday Please, get out of the house to go for walks and enjoy the nature God created to help keep your mental health well. Please, remember to keep social distancing so we can flatten the curve and be back together sooner rather than later.

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday Everyone! Wilber and I just want to thank everyone again for joining us last night! For today, we won't have a daily video, but we promise that tomorrow's video is going to be one not to miss! For Thankful Thursday, we're gonna invite everyone to participate in this exercise. In the comments below, we'd encourage you just to list things that you are thankful for in this season. In the midst of a lot of change, when a lot of the things we usually have, whether that be shopping, sports, or something else, have been stopped for the time being, we want to stop and remind ourselves of how we are still so blessed by God. We love you all, and we hope to see you soon. - Nick Here are two more trick shot videos we received!

Wednesday Night class tonight (03/25)

Hello, I hope you are all having an amazing day. Tonight, we are going to do a live class with a couple of songs and some teaching. For this class, we will be using the service of WebEx. WebEx does require a quick and small (1mb) download before you can see the live class. This download will automatically appear when you click on the link at the bottom of this message that says "JOIN TYM CLASS". Please, try to join the class at 6:45 pm. This will give us some time to work through any technical issues that may arise. If there are not any technical issues, then you can hang out early with friends before class like normal. Also, please have some grace and patience as we strive to pull this off while knowing the internet is being used in record amounts at this time.  If we blow up the wifi connection, we will record class and share it with you as soon as possible. That option will be a back up, but our desire is to do a live class with some participation amoung the teens...

Hit the Woah in the word Wednesday

Yo, I hope your morning is going amazing so far. Today is "Hit the Woah in The Word" Wednesday. Here is what you do: 1. Hit the woah 2. Quote a Bible verse 3. Toss the Woah  Record your toss, send it to Wilber (615.456.8416), he will post it on this blog and you become famous (maybe) for hitting the Woah and knowing The Word. Here's a video of what we mean: Here is a trick shot video we received yesterday from Luke Suttles ... the last one gets some good props!!

Trick Shot Tuesday

Hey, today's video is below, watch the full video: Trick Shot Tuesday Film your favorite trick shot, post it in the comment section of this blog, tag us on your social media or send it to Wilber via txt (615.456.8416) Also, we apologize about the technical difficulties on the virtual lunch. Once, we got it going, it was great to see each of you that could join. We will host another virtual lunch soon with all the technical stuff figured out. It is sort of trial and error in this period of time. Thanks for your grace and patience!! God is awesome, Wilber

Virtual Lunch

Here is the link for our virtual lunch today beginning at noon through 1:15 pm.

Motivation Monday

What's Up Fam, I hope you are doing well through this time. We have a video for you today that I hope provides some motivation for you as well as give you guys some things to look forward to this week. The link to this video will be at the bottom of this blog. TOMORROW: We are going to have a virtual lunch. At Noon, we want all of you to join us for lunch. You may think how do we do that. Well, here is how: At 11:50 am, we will put a link in this blog. You click on the link, boom we will be having lunch together. This lunch will between Noon - 1:15 pm. You can join at anytime you want. Let's try this out and see what happens. PRAYER: Also, you can use this space like our prayer wall in the TYM room. Put your prayer need in the comment section. We will pray over that prayer need. It is powerful to have other christians praying for each other whether virtually, in person and/or in spirit.  Have an amazing day today!! (link for video, click on Motivation Monday bel...

Sunday Morning (03/22)

TYM fam, below are several links for our class this Sunday morning. Please, watch the           Class video first followed by answering the questions on the handout then watch the selected video.  Thank you for being you, and I pray this class will help you.  Here is the link for our  Class   video : Here is the link for the  handout  that goes after you watch the Class video: Here is the link to the  selected video  to watch  after  the Class video and handout:  

Friday (03/20)

I hope your Friday is going well. Click on the word FRIDAY below for today's video: FRIDAY

Thursday (03/19)

TYM (pretend it is said in an enthusiastic voice) ... I pray your day is going well. Each day we will post something in this space to help you get through he day. These could be spiritual in nature, could be fun or maybe even spiritually fun. Today's day is: Today's day is: Watch this video:   THOUGHTFUL THURSDAY

Wednesday Night - 03/18/2020

TYM ... I hope your day is going well and boredom has not destroyed your mind yet. In this COVID-19 (Corona virus) pandemic, we are trying to still give you some opportunities to get some spiritual nourishment from the TYM. Below you will find links for the worksheet and video for this Wednesday night's class. The worksheet link will be a .pdf that can be printed off at your house. The video link will direct you to youtube directly to the video for tonight. As you watch the video, there will be points where you are asked to pause, read and/or think or even pray, do the pauses!! Also, print off the handout before you watch the video. If you can not print it out from here, it was emailed to your parents today. If your parent did not receive the handout, txt Wilber (615.456.8416). He will email it to them or you as soon as possible. We know that this is not "normal" or maybe even not the most desired mode of teaching; however, we are asking three things from you: 1. Pa...

Welcome to the TYM room

                                                                                                                           What's Up TYM Fam, Welcome to the TYM room. We have created this space for an easy way to communicate to you as well as give you a    COVID-19 free space to be yourselves. We will post classes, announcements, ask questions, prayer requests and other things through this space. Feel free to leave Bethany, Nick and Wilber questions, add comments and use this space for your emotions as we all navigate this pandemic together  in an "online" way. Be sure to check this spot regularly as we add to various things to the TYM room.