
Good Friday

Hey everyone. We hope that you've had a good week. As you all know, today is Good Friday, a day that we commemorate in the church as the day Jesus died on the cross. While we do have a class for Sunday that will be posted this weekend, I'd really encourage you to, as a family, read through the Good Friday texts in the gospel, that talk about what Jesus went through leading up to and on the cross. Don't forget that we have a game night tonight starting at 7! We initially said it will end at 8, but it may go longer. Today is day 4 of the Memorization plan! We hope that you've been taking the time to read through the plan and hopefully memorize it too! Thanks to Gerald Merritt for helping us with today's video!

Thoughtful Thursday

Happy Thursday everybody! It was so good to see everyone's faces last night for class. So for today, we are on Day 3 of the Memorization plan! We are thankful that Kathy Flanigan is doing our reading, so take a second and just read today's text along with her. Don't forget about our virtual lunch today, starting at noon and going until 1. We will be playing a game that will help us test how our game night Friday night will go! As always, look for details from Wilber on groupme and email. See you all again real soon!

Wednesday Word

Happy Wednesday everyone! We really have missed all of your shining faces the last few days, but we hope that we get to see many of you for class tonight! Wilber will be sending out that info about how to join. Make sure to have a Bible with you tonight!  In addition, we also have virtual lunch tomorrow and game night Friday night. Stay tuned to this blog for more details closer to those events.  Today is day 2 of the Memorization plan! Below is a video of Davis saying today's text. Don't forget to text Wilber if you are interested in helping out, it only takes 15-20 seconds, and we still have lots of spots open. 

Text Tuesday!

Hello everyone! So I know we posted the memorization plan yesterday, but we are actually starting it today! So if you already memorized the text for the first day, you are on the right track. But also, this gives everyone a chance to get on board if you didn't start yesterday. For this memorization plan, we will be posting videos of people reading the text of the day, so please text Wilber if you are interested and we will get you on the calendar. Today's video was made by Tamyra!


Hey everyone! Hope you all had a restful weekend, we certainly had some great weather! Unfortunately, we don't have an incredible Motivational Monday video for you all to watch, but we do have something new for you all! Starting today, we are beginning a memorization plan for learning the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount is one of the more famous sermons by Jesus in the Gospels. The reason we developed this plan is that during the summer, our middle school/high school devotionals will be focused around the Sermon on the Mount, so our hope is that by memorizing the Sermon on the Mount, that'll allow for our summer devotionals to be more meaningful! All in all, the plan comes out to 30 days. So it's only a few verses every day, something that is very manageable. We'll also be posting these plans to social media as we go through this challenge. Wilber and I are excited to see how God moves during this time of going through the Sermon on the Mount! ...

Field Trip Friday 2

                                           Whats up TYM, I know you are experiencing that feeling of boredom. You know, that feeling like, I gotta get out of the house. Well, adults feel that way to when they are at their office or working from home. We felt that way this Friday and we recorded the events that happened. I hope you enjoy this video: Field Trip Friday Please, get out of the house to go for walks and enjoy the nature God created to help keep your mental health well. Please, remember to keep social distancing so we can flatten the curve and be back together sooner rather than later.

Wilber Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is a very special day, as today is the one year anniversary of Wilber working here at Tusculum. I think it'd be really neat if we as a group took some time to appreciate all of the work that Wilber has done over the last year.  So..... Using social media, lets post on social media using #WilberWednesday and take a second and just say something that you appreciate about Wilber!  We hope to see you tonight for our Wednesday night class!